5 Free Webflow Templates You Can Use Today

Webflow is a powerful tool to create custom websites without coding. And it has lots of templates and resources you can use to make your website faster than ever. But how do you choose the right Webflow template for your project? We’ve got some answers.
October 23, 2022

Trying to build a website?

You don't have to be a seasoned developer to create beautiful websites with Webflow.

If you're like me, you're always looking for new ways to make your life easier. That's why I'm going to show you how simple it is to use a Webflow template.

In this post, I'm going to show you 5 of my favorite templates that I use in my business and teach you how to use them yourself. You'll be building your own website in no time—and without any coding experience!

You can easily edit the templates to match your brand and needs. All you have to do is change the colors, fonts and photos, bring in your personal touch, and then you're good to go!

Here are 5 of my favorite Webflow templates:

Nature Morte Webflow Template

1. Nature Morte by Halo Lab

What a great template. They really put in some work in here. Beautiful interactions and some epic designs. Check it out here.

Design Conference by Tyler Hughey Free Webflow Template

2. Design Conference by Tyler Hughey

Crazy good what Tyler has built here. I love the design, I love the interactions, I love the fact he uses client first and CMS. Check it out here.

Scroll Interaction Template

3. Scroll Interaction Template by También

This template is perfect if you want to look behind the scenes of a relatively simple scroll interaction setup in Webflow. I also love the design. Feels almost like watching a movie while scrolling through. Check it out here.

Amazing Slider Template Webflow

4. Amazing Slider Template by Halo Labs

So - you've been searching for a slider to display information & images in a beautiful and easy to read way? You've come to the right place. Halo Labs delivered - as always. Check it out here.

Social Media Bio Link Free Template Webflow

5. Crazy good Link Tree alternative

Are you still using Linktree for your social media bio links? Here is the perfect alternative. There is even a dark version for it. Check it out here.

If you want to see even more of my favorite Webflow templates, you can sign up to my newsletter down below. You'll also get exclusive access to my free Resource Library. It contains over 15 of the best Webflow templates that you can use on your site today.


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Sign up and receive my top 15+ clonables for Webflow for free! You’ll also receive High quality content educating you about how to create stunning Webflow projects & my favorite tools to do so!